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Top 7 Best Biofeedback Devices

Looking for the best biofeedback devices to enhance your overall well-being? Look no further!

This comprehensive guide explores seven of the best devices available on the market, each designed to help you gain more control over your physiological responses, thus training your body to respond differently to stimuli. Whether your goal is to reduce stress, enhance focus, or promote relaxation - there's a device for everything, so keep reading to discover more about them. But first, we'll talk a bit about biofeedback and how it works.

Key Takeaways

  • Biofeedback therapy helps individuals reach an increased state of self-awareness, which allows them to take control of their bodily functions. It operates through real-time feedback provided after a device collects data about physiological responses.

  • The top seven biofeedback devices, including the Mendi headband, the Muse headband, and the RESPaRATE device, offer various functionalities tailored to different health objectives, from improving cognitive function to lowering blood pressure.

What Is Biofeedback?

biofeedback therapy explained

Biofeedback is an innovative technique that helps people take control of their bodily functions. It is completely non-invasive as it uses special devices that monitor physiological signals like heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension.

The secret lies in the feedback part. Once the device catches the signal that's of interest to the user, it sends real-time feedback to a smartphone or a computer, allowing individuals to see how their bodies react to certain stimuli. This way, they can learn, through operant conditioning, how to manage those reactions. For example, by observing what stimuli make their heart rate increase, individuals can learn how to avoid them, calm themselves down more easily, relax their muscles, and adjust their breathing.

Thanks to the rise of smartphones and wearable technologies, biofeedback is now more accessible than ever! With devices you can use at home, managing stress and improving your well-being is within reach - what's left for you to do is find a product that works best for your needs and goals.

How Biofeedback Works

The mechanism of action of biofeedback is linked to a learning process known as operant conditioning. It's simpler than you think! If you give a child candy when he or she finishes homework, the child then associates this activity with a positive outcome. Because of this, the child is much more likely to repeat this activity. On another note, the same principle works for dog training.

While the mechanism of action is the same for all types of biofeedback, they are done using different biofeedback equipment, each targeting different body parts, including:

  • Heart rhythm, which is monitored via heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback.

  • Muscle tension, which is monitored through Electromyography (EMG) biofeedback and is often used to manage conditions like chronic pain and tension headaches.

  • Skin temperature, which is monitored via thermal biofeedback and skin sensors.

  • Sweat gland activity, which is measured via electrodermal activity biofeedback and is often used to alleviate anxiety and pain.

  • Breathing patterns, which are monitored through breathing biofeedback that implies placing sensors on the chest and stomach.

  • Brain activity, which is measured through Electroencephalography (neurofeedback) or other technologies like fNIRS or fMRI (check out this biofeedback vs neurofeedback guide for more details)

All these devices are designed to provide users with real-time data they can observe, thus learning how to manipulate their bodily functions to achieve desired states.

There are several exercises used in biofeedback training, including deep breathing, guided imagery, or mindfulness meditation - it all depends on your goals. For example, if your goal is to improve your stress response, you'll target the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which activates when you're in the fight-or-flight state. Your goal will be to reduce the activity of the sympathetic system through relaxation techniques.

Benefits of Using Biofeedback Devices

In the past, biofeedback training was only used in clinical settings. But given the myriad of technological advancements, this training tool is now available for at-home use thanks to the numerous consumer-grade wearable devices on the market. However, remember that these devices are usually designed only for wellness practices. Anyone who wants to use biofeedback as a therapy for managing a health condition should only do so under a doctor's supervision.

Otherwise, using biofeedback devices at home to improve overall well-being is considered safe, and millions of people around the world are raving about their benefits, particularly in promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing mindfulness. By learning how to control their physiological responses to certain stimuli, people improve their health and focus more on positive emotions and their well-being!

Top 7 Best Biofeedback Devices

Now that we understand how biofeedback devices work, let’s explore some top market options.

But before we discuss more about them, there's an important aspect that needs to be mentioned - each biofeedback device mentioned below is designed for specific goals, be it relaxation, improved sleep, or enhanced stress resilience. To get the best results, assess each carefully and choose the one that aligns with your needs best.

As such, here are the top 7 biofeedback devices that stand out in the industry for their effectiveness and user satisfaction.

1. Mendi Headband

biofeedback training with Mendi

The Mendi headband is designed to enhance mental function by tracking blood circulation to the prefrontal cortex through functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) technology. As such, this biofeedback device uses neurofeedback technology, a type of biofeedback that targets brain activity.

While using the Mendi headband, you'll have to play a game on the Mendi app, which basically requires you to concentrate on the screen, trying to get a tiny ball as high as you can. When you are focused enough, the headband registers an increase in oxygenated blood flow to your prefrontal cortex and sends the data to the app that, in turn, makes the ball rise - this is your real-time feedback and reward for focusing on the ball.

Practicing this type of neurofeedback only three times a week for 5-15 minutes can significantly improve cognitive function, focus, and overall mental performance, being a valuable tool for enhancing mental health.

Plus, the Mendi headband is quite affordable, especially when compared to other neurofeedback devices on the market. It costs only $299 and comes with a free lifetime app subscription.

2. Muse Headband

The Muse headband is another popular biofeedback device that monitors brain waves and improves brain function. It is different from the Mendi headband because it uses EEG technology instead of fNIRS. The Muse headband tracks brain activity during meditation and sends real-time brainwave data to mobile devices for personalized audio feedback. It also tracks heart rate, body movements, and breathing.

Regular use of this biofeedback equipment leads to better brain wave management and a more centered state of mind. According to a study, Muse users reported better stress management, improved focus and clarity, and better emotion regulation.

Although the Muse headband is, like Mendi, rather budget-friendly (but there are two devices to choose from, costing between $354 and $495), it also requires a monthly/yearly subscription.

3. emWave2

biofeedback devices

The emWave2 is a portable device with a sensor you can place on your finger or ear. That sensor measures your heart rhythm through HRV and sends the data to a device on which you get visual feedback on your heart rate. As such, emWave2 provides insights into how synchronized your brain and heart are.

The company also offers free access to an online platform where you can track your progress, earn rewards, and keep journal notes, which can be really useful in the long run. Based on user reviews, this biofeedback device can really help reduce stress, balance emotions, improve sleep, and increase focus. Plus, you don't have to spend too much time using it - 3-5 minutes a few times a day is usually enough.

The EmWave2 costs $299 and has a 1-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee.

4. Apollo Neuro

Apollo Neuro is a biofeedback watch-like device that delivers low-frequency sound waves that feel like vibrations. They are aimed at activating your parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and a state of calmness.

This biofeedback device uses heart rate variability training, and its main goals are improved sleep, stress relief, and focus.

The Apollo Wearable costs $355 and comes in different colors. At this price, you get the Apollo Wearable, the band, the clip, the micro-USB charging cord, and access to the Apollo Neuro app.

However, if you want to access all the Vibes in the app that focus on particular states (e.g. Joy, Love, Good Morning, etc), you can opt for the Apollo Wearable + 1 Year SmartVibes, which costs $449.98.

5. Reflect Orb

The Reflect Orb device is a ball you need to hold during your biofeedback sessions. It has several sensors that collect physiological data from the tip of your fingers through heart rate variability (HRV) and electrodermal activity (EDA).

After processing the collected information, Reflect Orb uses visual feedback (a glowing light that changes colors) to inform you about your stress levels. If the lights turn purple, it means you're in a high-alert state. If the lights turn turquoise, you're slowly starting to calm down. When the lights turn white, you're relaxed.

The Reflect Orb costs $349 and comes with a 1-year premium subscription, after which you'll have to pay for the subscription, which is $6.99 monthly.


biofeedback therapy for blood pressure

RESPeRATE is a biofeedback device that targets blood pressure, aiming to lower it naturally through a melody-guided breathing technique.

All you have to do is try to breathe in tone with the sounds you're hearing. If you don't, the device will adjust the melody so that it's easier for you to sync with it. Once your breathing and the sounds are synchronized, your sympathetic nervous system calms down, your blood vessels dilate, and your blood pressure lowers.

This biofeedback device is priced at $349.95. Or you can purchase it in four installments of $87.49. Providing both immediate and long-term benefits, it is a valuable addition to any stress management toolkit.

It's worth mentioning that RESPaRATE is an FDA-approved biofeedback machine.

7. UPRIGHT Posture Training

Given how much time we use our smartphones, laptops, and computers, we've almost completely forgotten about our posture, which changes tremendously the more we use these devices and forget to sit, stand, and walk correctly.

And that's where the UPRIGHT Posture Training device comes in. The UPRIGHT device is attached to a necklace and needs to be on your back when you're wearing it. The device can also be fixed using a hypoallergenic adhesive, so you don't have to purchase the necklace if you don't want to. When your posture is incorrect, the device will vibrate, informing you to correct it. In time, and with the help of a dedicated app, where you can track your progress, you'll develop a positive habit of good posture.

There are two UPRIGHT products to choose from - one costs $59.95, and the other costs $79.95. The necklace adds $19.95 to the price, and it's available in different colors, while a pack of 10 adhesives costs $9.95. You can also purchase ergonomic accessories like a palm rest or a lumbar pillow.

Choosing the Right Biofeedback Device for You

biofeedback training for stress management

Selecting the right biofeedback device involves understanding your personal health objectives and making informed choices based on your specific needs. Here's what you need to consider when assessing the pros and cons of each product:

  • The used technology and its goal

  • Device design and user-friendliness

  • Price and subscription fees

  • Training programs and gamification

  • Feedback format (some people prefer visual feedback; others prefer auditory feedback)

  • Compatibility with your smartphone or tablet

  • Quality of materials

  • Scientific evidence and validation

  • Battery life, warranty, and return policy

  • User reviews

Tips for Effective Biofeedback Training

Consistency and proper setup are key for effective biofeedback training. Regular practice, typically suggested as 10-20 minutes daily or several times a week, is crucial for achieving the desired goals. But first - it's important to set clear goals before starting biofeedback because they will help you down the line. Knowing exactly what you want to train or improve is the secret to achieving optimal results.

Before using the device you've chosen, read the instructions carefully to avoid inaccurate results. Plus, most devices need to be calibrated before use, so make sure to follow the manufacturer's advice regarding this.

Then, choose a comfortable, quiet space where you can focus only on your biofeedback training. If you've never done biofeedback, start slowly. Overdoing it will cause more harm than good - although biofeedback is generally safe, you may feel tired or get headaches if you train too much in the beginning.

Don't forget to set up a schedule and stay motivated - as already mentioned, consistency is the only way to fully reap the benefits of biofeedback. Last but not least, monitor your progress. This will fuel your motivation and inspire you to continue your training!

Is At-Home Biofeedback Safe?

Mendi biofeedback device

Non-medical biofeedback devices that can be used at home are usually considered safe. They are primarily used for wellness purposes, helping you relax and unwind after a stressful day, improving your attention and enhancing your self-awareness. When used correctly, biofeedback devices do not usually cause any side effects.

If you want to use biofeedback to manage a health condition, it is best to seek professional help because consumer-grade biofeedback devices are usually not FDA-approved (except for RESPaRATE) and do not substitute treatment.

Interested in Exploring Neurofeedback at Home? Get Your Mendi!

Experience a novel approach to enhancing mental health with the Mendi headband, a cutting-edge biofeedback device designed for home use! Mendi integrates sophisticated brain-monitoring technology with an engaging game on a user-friendly app that delivers real-time feedback on your prefrontal cortex activity.

By training your brain regularly with Mendi, you can sharpen your focus, feel less stressed, and experience improved cognitive performance. Thousands have already tried Mendi and enjoyed its positive effects on their mental well-being! You can join them now by ordering your own Mendi device!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do biofeedback machines really work?

Biofeedback machines do work if used correctly. They can teach individuals to control their physiological responses through real-time feedback. Biofeedback has been used to reduce stress, decrease blood pressure, improve pain management, and help with migraines.

Can you do biofeedback by yourself?

You can do biofeedback by yourself if your goal is to improve overall well-being. If your goal is to manage the symptoms of a health condition, you should consult with a certified healthcare professional. After some biofeedback sessions at a clinic, the doctor may allow you to do the exercises at home using a wearable device.

What are the disadvantages of biofeedback?

One disadvantage of biofeedback is that future research is still required to fully confirm its benefits on the body and mind. Another disadvantage, especially if performed at home, is that the devices may provide inaccurate results, especially for people who suffer from certain health conditions.

Can you do biofeedback at home without equipment?

You cannot do biofeedback therapy at home without equipment, because you need something to measure your physiological responses and translate them into feedback. What makes biofeedback effective is exactly the feedback part that provides positive or negative reinforcement, thus motivating you to repeat actions associated with good results.

What is an FDA-approved biofeedback device?

RESPaRATE is a biofeedback device that has been approved by the FDA for stress relief and lowering blood pressure.