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How to Think Faster: 10 Proven Strategies for Quick Thinking

Nowadays, quick thinking is more important than ever. With so much information constantly surrounding us, the ability to make fast decisions and solve problems on the spot can make a big difference. Quick-thinking skills help you stay focused, deal with unexpected situations, and even boost your confidence.

Therefore, if you want to learn how to think faster, you'll find the best strategies below! We will start with the top 10 practices that will boost your thinking speed and then cover some details about the importance of fast thinking and the science behind it!

Key Takeaways

  • Quick thinking helps you tackle challenges efficiently, adapt to new situations, make decisions on the spot, and respond to opportunities and unexpected events with ease.

  • Poor sleep, chronic stress, and multitasking can contribute to slower thinking.

  • Neurofeedback can help you train your mind to think faster. Other activities like brain exercises, mindfulness, mono-tasking, and healthy habits can also boost your cognitive function.

How to Think Faster? 10 Best Practices

You can improve your thinking speed through lifestyle changes, mental exercises, mindfulness, and innovative techniques like neurofeedback. It is important, though, to approach this process comprehensively, relying on multiple solutions.

1. Train Your Brain with Mendi Neurofeedback

neurofeedback training for brain health

Neurofeedback is a powerful tool for enhancing cognitive function, as confirmed by Zoefel et al. in their scientific paper entitled "Neurofeedback training of the upper alpha frequency band in EEG improves cognitive performance".

Neurofeedback makes use of the brain's neuroplasticity and the power of real-time feedback on brain activity to help you self-regulate. With regular practice and if performed correctly, there's a high chance of experiencing incredible cognitive enhancement and, therefore, improved thinking speed. You can also experience less anxiety, a longer attention span, and greater mental clarity. All of these contribute to better mental agility.

Mendi’s neurofeedback technology is the tool that will train your brain to think faster. Why so? Because it targets the prefrontal cortex. This is the CEO of your executive abilities. It is thanks to your prefrontal cortex that you are able to make decisions, solve problems, regulate your emotions, focus on various tasks, memorize stuff, and process information. According to scientists Naomi P. Friedman and Trevor W. Robbins, cognitive control is "usually associated with the healthy functioning of the PFC [prefrontal cortex]."

2. Optimize Your Lifestyle for Better Brain Health

healthy diet

Your brain thrives if you have a healthy lifestyle. This includes:

  • Getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep.

  • Optimizing your sleep environment and establishing a consistent sleep schedule.

  • Adopting a healthy diet, focusing on diets rich in foods that support brain development and health.

  • Establishing a consistent eating schedule with several meals a day, depending on your needs and medical conditions, if any.

  • Exercising regularly. (Did you know that physical exercise can improve synaptic activity, blood flow and brain irrigation, as well as neuronal plasticity? It can also encourage the growth of new brain cells!)

  • Staying hydrated. (Did you know that dehydration can cause cognitive impairment? Check out this study to find out more about this!)

3. Practice Mental Exercises

fast thinking skills

Now's the perfect time to give your brain a fun workout! You can challenge your mind and improve your cognitive skills through brain training games, puzzles, chess, Sudoku, memory exercises, and other similar activities.

You can also try speed-reading and rapid problem-solving techniques, as they can sharpen your fast-thinking skills. They enable you to process information quickly and accurately.

Besides the games mentioned above, here are other activities you can try:

  • Speed-based exercises: rapid-fire questions or 30-second summaries

  • Decision-making drills: "Would you rather" scenarios or debate exercises

  • Physical activities like martial arts

  • Creative thinking exercises like 10-second storytelling

  • Improvisation games

4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

improve mental performance

Ever notice how your mind feels clearer after a quiet walk or meditation session?

Think of mindfulness as a "safe space" for your mind where it can focus on the present moment, stop worrying, and make room for clearer thinking. Meditation, on the other hand, allows you to listen to your mind. This makes you more aware of your thinking patternsmuch like neurofeedback. Over time, these practices can boost your thinking speed, and you can learn how to respond to different challenges with greater ease.

In fact, scientists Sara van Leeuwen, Wolf Singer, and Lucia Melloni, from the Department of Neurophysiology at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Germany, confirmed that "practicing meditation enhances the speed with which attention can be allocated and relocated, thus increasing the depth of information processing and reducing response latency."

5. Make Minor Decisions Quickly

quick thinking

Should I order pizza? Should I order burgers? Should I meet my friends at 8 p.m.? Should I meet them at 9 p.m.? These are all minor decisions that keep your mind busy, stealing your attention from decisions that are more important long-term.

Train your mind to make decisions quickly when it's a minor issue. This way, you'll conserve your mental energy for what really matters and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

6. Learn New Skills Regularly

Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death—this was Albert Einstein speaking. We cannot argue with him. Acquiring new skills forms new neural connections, improves brain flexibility, and enhances your thinking speed.

Plus, learning a new skill also implies engaging in a long-term project, which also expands your vision and understanding. Think of this process as a way to enrich your cognitive landscape, and, as a result, you'll reap the benefits of more effective thinking.

7. Engage in Social Activities

think faster

Social interactions activate brain areas that enhance emotional processing and cognitive functions.

There's no need to overdo itnot everyone rejoices in spending a lot of time with other people. It's enough to have that one friend or family member whom you can talk to once in a while, exchange experiences, and discuss things that are important to you.

Believe it or not, this isn't only for your emotional well-being. It also helps you stay mentally stimulated and observe different thought processes, thus boosting your cognitive speed.

8. Read Books

critical thinking

On a similar noteread books, especially fiction books. This sounds like a leisurely activity, right? Not so muchnot when your goal is to train your mind to think faster. Fiction books are filled to the brim with things you can analyzewriting styles, plot structures, points of view, settings, and others.

Take Virginia Woolf's books, for example. If you've never read anything written by her, understanding, let's say, "Mrs. Dalloway," can be quite difficult. But this is exactly why reading is an excellent exercise for your mind!

Or you can try science fiction or utopian/dystopian booksthey'll develop your critical and analytical skills, both contributing to improving your processing speed. Don't forget about Fyodor Dostoevsky's booksremembering all the character names, alongside their patronymics, will certainly engage your prefrontal cortex, improving your memory and focus (that is, if you don't speak Russian!).

9. Avoid Multitasking

At first, multitasking may seem like an excellent way to get more things done. In the long run, however, multitasking leads to burnout, cognitive overload, and slower thinking.

The key is to focus on one task at a time. You'll soon discover that you're more efficient this way, your mind is clearer, and you can process information faster. Plus, this focused approach enables a flow state, boosting creativity, reducing distractions, and enhancing fast and effective thinking.

10. Allow Your Mind to Rest

faster thinking

In the pursuit of fast thinking, you may forget to give your mind a break, which is as important as training it. Take regular breaks, stay present in the moment, and practice relaxation techniques!

Another excellent way to clear your mind is to engage in activities that require the use of your handsgardening, crafting, or painting!

Why Thinking Fast Is a Game-Changer

In an era characterized by rapid changes and constant information overload, thinking fast isn’t just an advantageas discouraging as it may sound, it is now a necessity.

Quick thinking helps you navigate the constant flow of information. You can filter out noise and focus on what’s truly important. Also, by training your fast-thinking skills, you can simultaneously improve your problem-solving skills and adaptability in high-pressure situations and new environments.

Fast-thinking skills also boost your confidence. This is because mental agility allows you to seize opportunities, take risks, respond to unforeseen events, and maintain a competitive edge in life. All of these can enhance your sense of self-worth, which, in turn, contributes to your overall well-being.

Let's not forget that mastering fast thinking can significantly improve mental performance. This way, you can enjoy greater mental clarity, enhanced critical thinking, and overall mental health.

The Science Behind Faster Thinking

thinking skills

Understanding the science behind faster thinking begins with how the brain processes information. According to Daniel Kahneman, the brain uses two systems: the quick, automatic System 1 and the slower, effortful System 2.

System 1 is responsible for automatic responses and involuntary operations. These reactions generate impressions and feelings that influence the beliefs and choices of the more deliberate, conscious System 2.

For example, you hear a sound, and System 1 guides you towards the source of that sound. Then, you analyze what you've just heard and decide whether you should act on it. This is System 2 taking over. In simpler terms, System 1 generates a myriad of impressions and emotions, but it is System 2 that organizes them so they make sense.

To think faster, you need to optimize both systems:

  • Train System 1 to recognize patterns quickly through practice (e.g., brain training, improvisation, quick decision-making exercises).

  • Strengthen System 2 via problem-solving techniques and structured thinking so it processes information more efficiently.

Fortunately, your brain has the ability to change, so you can literally teach it to think faster and respond to stimuli just the way you want it to respond. This ability is called neuroplasticity, and you can reap its benefits through the practices mentioned above, especially neurofeedback!

Recognize the Signs of a Quick Thinker

thinking speed

What sets a quick thinker apart? One defining trait is the ability to make rapid decisions, provide immediate responses, process information more rapidly, and navigate difficult situations with ease. Quick thinkers may also find it easier to engage in various conversations and suggest innovative solutions.

Quick thinking doesn't contribute to general intelligence only. Scientists have suggested that it plays a crucial role in social intelligence, which highlights other possible traits of a quick thinker.

According to William von Hippel et al., "mental speed allows people to judge situational demands rapidly, consider a wide repertoire of responses within a socially appropriate response window, mask inappropriate initial reactions by rapidly presenting a non-dominant response, and make time-sensitive humorous associations. These capacities could enable a person to be socially sensitive and charismatic."

That being said, while some people excel at quick thinking, others may face challenges that slow them down. Why exactly does this happen?

Factors that Slow Down Thinking

brain function fast thinking

Several essential factors can drag down your thinking speed, leading to what many refer to as “brain fog,” including:

  • Poor sleep; inadequate sleep hampers memory consolidation and cognitive health, making quick and clear thinking difficult.

  • Poor nutrition; the lack of essential nutrients can negatively impact brain function and overall well-being; plus, consuming too much sugar and processed foods can hinder your speed of thinking.

  • Alcohol and tobacco use

  • Social isolation

  • Chronic stress

  • Burnout

  • Multitasking

  • Lacking lexicon; surprisingly enough, many people can't think fast because they literally lack the words to do so.

  • Age-related changes

  • Mental health conditions, such as depression

  • Busy schedules; having your calendar filled to the brim with tasks means there's literally no time left for thinking; while you may not sense it initially, this can reduce mental performance and slow down your thinking over time.

Think Faster with Mendi Neurofeedback!

brain exercises with Mendi neurofeedback

Take your cognitive abilities to the next level with the Mendi headband!

Designed with the advanced functional near-infrared spectroscopy technology, it is an incredible wellness tool that can enhance your thinking speed. You'll train your brain to improve focus and decision-making skills, as well as sharpen your mental clarity.

Invest in your mind’s potential today and experience faster, more effective thinking with Mendi!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I think fast?

There are numerous factors that can affect your thinking speed. You may not be able to think fast if you are stressed and tired, have an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, tend to multitask or have a mental health condition like depression.

Is it possible to train yourself to think faster?

Absolutely, you can train yourself to think faster through neurofeedback, brain exercises and games, mindfulness, reading, and learning new skills.

Can neurofeedback help you think faster?

Neurofeedback can be a valuable tool in your wellness journey of training your brain to think faster. The Mendi headband can boost brain health, improve cognitive performance, enhance decision-making skills, help you think clearly, and optimize your information processing speed.

Why is mindfulness important for cognitive function?

Mindfulness significantly boosts cognitive function by enhancing focus, attention span, and mental flexibility.