How to Increase Gamma Brain Waves: Meditation, Neurofeedback, and Other Tips!
Have you ever been extremely concentrated on a task, but instead of feeling tense, you were relaxed and confident in your skills? If your answer is yes, congratulations! You were in a gamma state!
Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves, being associated with high cognitive performance. As such, if you want to know how to increase gamma brain waves, this article provides everything you need to know about the topic. We'll start with some basics about gamma waves and then outline some methods to increase gamma waves in the brain naturally!
Key Takeaways
Gamma brain waves, oscillating between 30 Hz and 80 Hz, are linked to enhanced concentration, high cognitive function, and improved emotional well-being.
Meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga are effective techniques for increasing gamma brain wave activity and improving cognitive performance.
Lifestyle changes, including proper hydration, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, significantly support optimal gamma wave activity.
Neurofeedback, a non-invasive brain training method, can be a powerful tool in increasing gamma waves in the brain, eventually teaching you how to produce them without the help of neurofeedback technology.
What Are Gamma Brain Waves?

Gamma brain waves are the fastest of the brainwave frequencies, oscillating between 30 Hz and 80 Hz. These waves are associated with peak concentration, heightened awareness, and a positive mood. When in a gamma brainwave state, our brains can process information more quickly and effectively, enhancing focus and overall cognitive function. At the same time, even though we're highly focused, we feel relaxed and can engage in any activity effortlessly.
Interestingly enough, individuals who engage in disciplined practices like meditation, such as monks and nuns, often exhibit elevated levels of gamma waves. In fact, a study has shown that long-term Buddhist practitioners have more gamma wave activity, especially during meditation. This suggests that, with the right techniques, anyone can enhance their gamma brainwave activity and reap the associated benefits.
Gamma Waves vs Other Brain Waves
Besides gamma waves, our brains produce four other brain waves:
Beta waves (13-30 Hz), associated with cognitive activities, alertness
Alpha waves (8-12 Hz), associated with moments in which we feel relaxed but alert and fully conscious
Theta waves (3.5-7.5 Hz), associated with deep relaxation, REM sleep, and meditation
Delta waves (0.1-3.5 Hz), associated with deep sleep and relaxation
Gamma waves operate at a much higher frequency than beta waves, which are commonly associated with active concentration and alertness. While beta waves help with focus, gamma waves take it a step further, helping you process information much faster and reach peak cognitive performance. This distinction makes gamma waves particularly important for tasks that require a lot of mental effort and creativity.
Furthermore, unlike alpha waves, which promote relaxation and a calm, meditative, yet conscious state, gamma waves are often referred to as "super-learning" waves due to their association with heightened cognitive activities.
Theta waves, on the other hand, are slower than alpha and, therefore, much slower than gamma. They are associated with deep relaxation and daydreaming. Theta waves are also common during REM sleep.
Delta waves are the slowest brain waves. They are prominent during deep, restorative sleep.
All in all, each type of brain wave plays a unique role in your brain’s ability to function optimally. Normally, they are well-balanced and change throughout the day. Sometimes, however, some brain waves are more predominant than others, in which case they may affect your well-being. For example, too much beta activity is linked to prolonged stress.
Gamma Brain Waves Benefits

Benefits of gamma brain waves include:
Enhanced mental clarity
Improved memory skills
Increased levels of happiness
Emotional well-being
Improved learning skills
Improved information processing
Peak performance
Enhanced problem-solving skills
Boosted creativity
Enhanced awareness
Additionally, balancing gamma wave activity can potentially help with certain mental health conditions, although this needs to be done at a clinic, under the supervision of a neurofeedback specialist who follows a specialized protocol. This is because...
Abnormal Gamma Wave Activity Can Have Side Effects
Oscar Wilde once said, "Everything in moderation, including moderation." The same goes for gamma waves:
Not enough gamma wave activity can lower your concentration and shorten your attention span. You may also have learning and memory issues. It can even cause learning disabilities.
Too much gamma wave activity can cause anxiety, stress, and high arousal.
Therefore, if you want to increase gamma brain waves, you should proceed with caution to avoid increasing it too much and experiencing side effects.
It is worth noting that gamma wave activity may be associated with:
Oxidative stress
Brain injuries
Metabolic imbalances, such as diabetes
Certain medications
Parkinson's disease
Alzheimer's disease
Learning difficulties
How to Increase Gamma Waves in the Brain Naturally?

Increasing gamma brain waves can positively affect your day-to-day life. It allows you to stay engaged with complex tasks and creative projects at work, for example.
Given that it supports better memory retention and faster learning, increased gamma activity can make it easier to absorb and retain information throughout the day, which can also improve your performance at work.
Furthermore, it can also promote healthy relationships with others since well-balanced brainwave activity fosters a feeling of emotional well-being and heightened empathy, compassion, and inner peace.
As such, how exactly can you increase gamma brainwaves to reap all these benefits? Here are some techniques!
1. Meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool often used to enhance gamma brain wave activity. Here are some types of meditation you can try:
Mindfulness meditation implies focusing on being present in the moment. It helps clear your mind, preparing the optimal territory for a gamma state.
Focused attention meditation involves concentrating on one thing, be it real or imaginary. It can be a thought, a sound, or an object.
Loving-kindness meditation implies cultivating feelings of compassion, empathy, and kindness. They should be first targeted toward yourself and then toward others.
2. Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises promote deep relaxation and enhance oxygen delivery to the brain, creating an optimal environment for the gamma state. In fact, the authors of a study have analyzed the increase in gamma activity during breath focus and meditation. After comparing the results, they observed "increased high-gamma power during the breath focus period than during meditation."
Here are some breathing exercises you can try:
Deep breathing, particularly diaphragmatic breathing. This method involves inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly, which enhances oxygen levels, reduces stress, and improves mental clarity.
Alternate nostril breathing, which is a practice known for its ability to balance the left and right sides of the brain and enhance overall clarity. This technique involves breathing in through one nostril and breathing out through the other - pretty much like its name suggests.
Box breathing, also known as square breathing, involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and holding again for 4 seconds. This structured pattern reduces anxiety and elevates gamma wave activity by promoting a state of relaxation.
3. Yoga

Yoga is another powerful practice that can enhance gamma brain wave activity. In fact, scientists found an 18.68% increase in gamma wave coherence after yoga practices!
Additionally, yoga reduces stress and anxiety, so it's a win-win if you incorporate it into your wellness routine! This practice can also improve your sleep and physical health.
4. Binaural Beats
Gamma-frequency binaural beats, typically around 40 Hz, have been shown to promote cognitive performance and balance brainwave activity. In essence, binaural beats are tones produced by your brain when listening to two other tones at two different frequencies. As such, those two tones are perceived by your brain as an additional tone at a different frequency.
However, it is worth noting that the effects of binaural beats on gamma wave activity vary from person to person. Plus, more research is required to understand how exactly binaural beats can be used for optimal results in this regard.
5. Lifestyle Changes
A healthy body equals a healthy mind - that's a given. Eating healthily, getting enough (quality!) sleep, and exercising regularly promote physical and mental well-being and, indirectly, balance brain waves effectively.
Did you know you can actually eat pistachios to increase gamma brain waves? A study titled "Nuts and brain: Effects of eating nuts on changing electroencephalograph brainwaves" has shown that, among all nuts, pistachios increase gamma brain wave activity the most. Peanuts, on the other hand, increase delta activity, which is predominant during deep, restorative sleep.
Another study has shown that eating dark chocolate may also increase gamma waves. During and after eating 70% cacao dark chocolate, the participants in the study registered an increase in gamma activity.
6. Neurofeedback to Increase Gamma Wave Activity

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive brain training technique that takes advantage of the brain's neuroplasticity (ability to change and adapt) to balance its activity. More precisely, its mechanism of action is the following: a neurofeedback technology (usually electroencephalography) monitors brain activity and then translates the collected data into real-time feedback that helps people manipulate brain responses to certain stimuli. The belief that we can change our behavior based on the outcomes associated with it is rooted in a learning technique called operant conditioning.
As such, when neurofeedback is done through electroencephalography (EEG), the goal is to observe brain waves. It can be done at a clinic, in which case the patient will have electrodes placed on the scalp that monitor brain waves.
This method can be useful for those who want to target gamma brain waves precisely because the therapy can be fully personalized. At first, the therapist may perform a quantitative EEG - a brain map - that shows all the electrical signals in the brain. This way, the therapist can target specific brain waves and brain areas to balance everything out.
Neurofeedback can also be done at home using a neurofeedback device equipped with sensors, although this method is only recommended for healthy individuals who want to try neurofeedback as a wellness practice. This is because at-home neurofeedback devices do not offer the possibility to work with a fully personalized protocol targeting specific brain waves.
Try fNIRS Neurofeedback with Mendi!

The Mendi headband offers an alternative approach to promoting a gamma state, even though its technology doesn't directly target brain wave activity. This is because Mendi is different from other neurofeedback devices since it uses functional near-infrared spectroscopy - an advanced technology that measures blood flow and oxygenation levels in the prefrontal cortex. Its mechanism of action is linked to:
The hemodynamic response - the body's response to increased blood flow and oxygen levels to active areas during cognitive or physical activity
Operant conditioning - a learning process where behaviors are influenced by rewards or punishments (in other words, neurofeedback works because we are more likely to repeat actions/responses associated with positive outcomes).
Therefore, while Mendi doesn't directly measure electrical brain activity, it can potentially help you increase gamma brain waves. But why?
As mentioned, the Mendi headband targets the prefrontal cortex, which is like the CEO of your executive function and other complex cognitive abilities. This is why it can help you strengthen the function of your prefrontal cortex. By using the Mendi headband regularly, you can learn how to enter the gamma state - the hyperfocus state - more easily.
Our device can also help improve your stress management and emotion regulation skills, as well as promote deep relaxation and enhance sleep quality.
Nonetheless, don't forget that the Mendi device and other neurofeedback gadgets designed for at-home use don't replace professional medical advice and treatment. If you have or suspect you may have a medical condition, you should consult with your doctor before incorporating Mendi or another similar device into your routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are gamma brain waves?
Gamma brain waves, oscillating between 30 Hz and 80 Hz, are linked to peak concentration, heightened awareness, and improved mood states. Their presence indicates optimal brain function and cognitive performance.
What stimulates gamma waves?
Gamma waves can be stimulated through mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and neurofeedback brain training. Additionally, it's important to adopt a healthy lifestyle that promotes overall well-being and mental clarity.
What foods increase gamma waves?
Foods that increase gamma waves include pistachios and dark chocolate, according to research. You can also incorporate other foods that support brain health, such as eggs, berries, kale, spinach, seafood, and various nuts and seeds.
Can gamma waves increase IQ?
Although it hasn't been confirmed whether it is possible to increase IQ levels, research has indeed shown that individuals with high levels of gamma wave activity have a higher IQ.
What are the benefits of increasing gamma brain waves?
Increasing gamma brain waves can lead to improved memory, enhanced cognitive function, longer attention span, greater mental clarity, heightened emotional receptiveness, and better overall brain health. These benefits collectively contribute to a sharper and more resilient mind.
Can excessive gamma brain wave activity cause problems?
Excessive gamma brain wave activity can indeed cause problems like anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It is crucial to balance this activity with relaxation techniques and adequate rest.
What is neurofeedback, and how does it help with gamma waves?
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive technique that enables individuals to train their brains to enhance gamma wave production, which can improve cognitive functions and focus. This real-time feedback mechanism is effective in promoting better mental performance.