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Can You Do Neurofeedback at Home?

Can you do neurofeedback at home? With the recent technological and scientific  advancements - definitely! Neurofeedback brain training is now much more accessible and user-friendly.

If you want to incorporate this wellness practice into your weekly routine, you don't need to go to an expert's office anymore. You just have to find a wearable neurofeedback device that will work for you and start training at home!

However, don't forget that neurofeedback devices do not replace medical consultation and specialized treatment. If you're unsure whether you can start this training on your own or if it can work for you, we recommend scheduling a doctor's appointment before buying any neurofeedback device.

Key Takeaways

  • You can do neurofeedback at home to improve cognitive performance and promote brain health. It can also help with mood regulation, stress management, healthier sleep patterns, and focus.
  • It's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting neurofeedback training at home. This way, you're making sure the training is safe, effective, and tailored to your needs.
  • There are numerous wearable neurofeedback machines you can choose from. Most of them use either EEG or fNIRS technologies. Once you pick one and start training, don't forget about consistency. It's the secret to reaping the potential benefits of this training.

How Does Neurofeedback Work?

neurofeedback training sessions

Neurofeedback is a therapeutic method that trains the brain to improve its performance by regulating the brain's electrical activity. This training method was first demonstrated in the 1960s by pioneers like Joe Kamiya and M. Barry Sterman.

Essentially, neurofeedback training shows patients how their brains react to various stimuli. During a training session, the neurofeedback system provides real-time feedback through visual or auditory cues. Over time, this feedback can help patients enhance their cognitive and emotional functions and improve brain health.

Usually, neurofeedback is performed through EEG technology and mapping brain waves. When done at a clinic, the patient will have some electrodes placed on the scalp. These electrodes measure brain wave patterns while patients engage in different activities like listening to music or playing a video game. The data is then translated into real-time visual and auditory cues. In turn, these cues inform the patient what type of brain wave a certain activity triggers.

This way, the patient understands what activities they need to reproduce to balance brain waves, which can improve brain functioning, help them regulate emotions, and even contribute to better sleep patterns. The clinician also relies on brain mapping to adjust the therapy depending on the patient's goals.

Other types of neurofeedback include fNIRS, fMRI, and MEG. However, these are usually used only for research purposes because they're rather advanced and expensive. Still, there's one innovative device relying on fNIRS technology that can be used at home (we'll discuss everything in detail below).

Can You Do Neurofeedback At Home?


Today, neurofeedback training can be done at home with wearable devices. However, it is only in recent years that this practice has become more common, especially during the pandemic, when life has really changed for all of us. Our routines did a 180 and many habits we've adopted during the pandemic are still there.

While these changes were mostly positive, spending more time at home definitely took a toll on our mental health and overall well-being. It's no surprise that since 2020, issues like insomnia, high stress levels, anxiety, trouble focusing, and depression have become much more common.

On top of that, when the pandemic hit, access to healthcare and wellness practices became limited, which forced these work fields to adapt accordingly - neurofeedback was one of them. Although neurofeedback has been a common therapeutic practice for years, the pandemic really pushed it into the spotlight. With mental health taking center stage during lockdowns, wearable neurofeedback devices became much more accessible. This is why we can now reap the benefits of neurofeedback training from the comfort of our own homes!

Neurofeedback is generally considered safe, especially because you don't need to take any medication. However, this practice isn't recommended for everyone. Let's see if you can really start neurofeedback on your own!

Who Can Benefit from At-Home Neurofeedback Sessions?

cognitive performance

Neurofeedback has shown potential benefits for various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, and sleep disorders, as well as for overall cognitive enhancement.

While you can use an at-home neurofeedback device to manage the symptoms of these conditions, you should only do so under a doctor's supervision. A healthcare professional can help you decide how many sessions you need and what type of neurofeedback is best for you. They'll also monitor your progress and side effects, if any.

On the other hand, neurofeedback can also help improve cognitive function, in which case you may not need a healthcare professional to track your progress. Wearable neurofeedback machines may help if you:

  • Want to improve your memory skills.
  • Want to improve your focus and concentration skills.
  • Want to improve your sleep patterns.
  • Want to learn how to relax more efficiently.
  • Want to reduce stress levels or learn how to manage stress more efficiently.
  • Want to improve performance and mood.
  • Want to learn how to regulate your emotions more efficiently.

If you've confirmed with your doctor that at-home neurofeedback is a good option, or if you just want to try it out to promote overall well-being, let's get down to business! We've prepared a step-by-step guide on how to practice neurofeedback at home.

How to Practice Neurofeedback at Home?

It may seem difficult to start neurofeedback by yourself. However, it's quite a straightforward (and rewarding!) process. These steps can help you create an effective home neurofeedback program that integrates seamlessly into your daily routine.

Choose Suitable Neurofeedback Equipment

home neurofeedback mendi

First things first - you need a neurofeedback device. There are a lot on the market, so you'll have to research each carefully. When choosing home neurofeedback equipment, consider factors like the type of feedback provided (visual and auditory feedback), ease of use, and compatibility with your devices.

Most devices use the EEG technology that measures brain waves, which is extremely effective. If you're looking for something more sophisticated, you can get the Mendi headband. It uses advanced, science-based functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) technology.

All you have to do is place the Mendi device on your head, install our app, and play a game. Your goal is to move the ball upwards by focusing on the screen, engaging your mental focus and concentration. The higher the ball goes, the more engaged your prefrontal cortex becomes, supporting your focus and cognitive wellness with regular practice.

Don't forget that most neurofeedback devices available for purchase, including Mendi, are not medical devices. They should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or medication. If you need to diagnose or treat a medical condition, you should contact a healthcare professional.

Set Up Your Neurofeedback Corner

neurofeedback at home

Once you've chosen a neurofeedback device, let's make sure you're enjoying your training to the fullest! The secret? Set up a corner where you can sit quietly and relax while doing neurofeedback.

Many neurofeedback machines are sensitive to light and sound, so make sure you’re not sitting under or next to a lamp or in direct sunlight when using them. You'll also need a comfortable armchair where you can sit still. Movement can interfere with the accuracy of the sensors, especially if your device uses EEG technology. However, fNIRS is more permissive when it comes to movement and sounds.

Plus, make sure you have a cell phone or tablet stand so you won't have to hold the phone. Also, don't forget about the internet connection - it should be as stable as possible! It can be really frustrating to have an internet outage in the middle of a neurofeedback session!

Consult with a Healthcare Professional

Don't forget that wearable neurofeedback devices aren't medical devices and should only be used for general wellness. They do not substitute a consultation with mental health professionals who can offer a diagnosis and personalized treatment. If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition or you have symptoms suggesting one, it's highly recommended to talk to your doctor before starting at-home neurofeedback training. A professional can help you find the therapy that works best for you.

If neurofeedback can indeed help you, a doctor will guide you through the process. They'll assist you every step of the way and adjust the therapy depending on your progress. In addition, if you feel any side effects, you can get back to your doctor anytime to confirm if you can continue the therapy.

Monitor Your Progress and Adjust Your Sessions

neurofeedback training

Monitoring your progress is probably the best part! It's certainly rewarding to keep track of your wins! There are different ways to do this. It usually depends on the device and software you're using.

For example, if you have a Mendi device, your progress is tracked in our app. After several surveys and user interviews, we've taken progress tracking to a whole new level! We've incorporated user feedback into our app and simplified the score system so that it's extremely easy to understand.

Your daily score on the Mendi app is measured on a scale from 0 to 100. This score takes into account your:

  • Performance, which compares your baseline brain activity to your current level of prefrontal cortex activation.
  • Commitment, which considers the frequency and length of your sessions.

The Mendi app has another great functionality - you can keep track of your emotional well-being. You can add the feelings you experience every day in our app. This way, you can observe how your mood changes while you're practicing neurofeedback.

Be Consistent

It goes without saying that consistency is the key to success, regardless of the goal! Whether you want to change your diet, exercise more, or get the best out of neurofeedback - everything comes down to consistency. This is why at Mendi, we calculate part of your score based on your commitment to the training. And besides, regular neurofeedback sessions can also help you stay motivated!

Plus, you can take things slowly. Being consistent doesn't mean you have to train your brain every day. You can start with short sessions just two times a week and then gradually increase the length and frequency. If you're not sure where to start, you can always get back to the device provider and ask for help. And, naturally, you should ask your doctor for recommendations.

Benefits and Challenges of Home Neurofeedback

mental health

The best thing about home brain training is that neurofeedback machines have a user-friendly design and straightforward software. Also, you don't have to waste too much time going to a clinic anymore! In addition, most wearable neurofeedback devices can be used by several people as long as each has their own app. So, you're basically buying one device for the entire family! This way, you can motivate one another and track each other's progress!

However, given that there's no one assisting you in the process, you may have some technical issues once in a while. In this case, you'll have to get back to the manufacturer for recommendations on how to solve the issue. Nonetheless, most companies, including Mendi, are prompt at replying to such queries, so this is definitely not a major downside.

Is At-Home Neurofeedback Safe?

All in all, is it safe to do neurofeedback by yourself? Generally speaking, at-home neurofeedback devices are considered safe when one's goal is cognitive, mood, and focus improvement. Given that they are not medical devices, their approaches are gentler in this regard.

However, it's important to understand what you want to achieve through neurofeedback. For example, EEG neurofeedback devices follow certain protocols that target specific brain waves. If the goal is to manage symptoms of a mental health condition, this protocol should be personalized by a professional based on your brain map. In this case, at-home neurofeedback with no medical supervision may not be the best option. Why? Because you may activate the wrong brain waves, and your symptoms may worsen.

Reach Out Today to Get Your Mendi!

As Benjamin Franklin once said, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." So why not take the first step towards a healthier brain with Mendi today?

If you need convenient, user-friendly at-home neurofeedback equipment, Mendi may be exactly what you've been looking for. With its innovative, science-based fNIRS technology, our headband takes brain training to a new level, potentially helping you improve focus and cognitive performance. It has helped athletes, world-class artists, and emergency medicine physicians!

We also offer a 30-day return policy in case you think our device is not right for you. A win-win!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you do neurofeedback on your own?

You can do neurofeedback on your own if you want to improve your focus, train your stress resilience, and regulate your emotions more efficiently. If you want to manage the symptoms of a mental health condition, you should seek professional help, as at-home neurofeedback devices do not substitute medical advice.

Can you do neurofeedback at home without equipment?

You cannot do neurofeedback at home without equipment. You'll need a wearable device with an incorporated neurofeedback technology like EEG or fNIRS.

Is home neurofeedback safe?

Home neurofeedback is generally safe, especially when you use the right equipment and follow proper guidance. However, if your goal is to manage the symptoms of a mental health condition like ADHD or anxiety, your training sessions should be guided by a healthcare professional.

How often should I practice neurofeedback at home?

You should practice neurofeedback at home at least two times a week. Start with short sessions, and increase their duration and frequency as you feel more comfortable with the process or according to your doctor's advice.